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With an exclusive track from each act
The story goes like this… Stanley Records head honcho, Dave Favours was in Newcastle, checking out some bands when a local musician comes up to him and says, “I reckon your band should do some shows with Grand Pricks and the Tall Stories (both from Newcastle). You all come from a country background but you all sound so different. It would be a great mix.” Dave thought it was a tops idea. As luck would have it, Brock Henry from the Tall Stories happened to be in the room, so they discussed it over a few beers. Then the idea was hatched to do a split release in honour of the shows. Grand Pricks were contacted the next day, and everything fell immediately into place.
Dave Favours & the Roadside Ashes are equal parts indie rock and alt-country, whilst Grand Pricks refer to themselves as Newcastle’s most dangerous country boogie band. The Tall Stores combine dark Americana with garage rock and a splash of psychedelia. Hotter Than Donut Grease features one track from each act and the aforementioned local ideas man was right, it is a great mix.
Here’s some more info. from the acts themselves…
Layered with plenty of guitars, mandolin and some wailing harmonica, this 2-minute punkgrass number showcases Favours’ punk rock roots. It’s about being bored by the cliches of living a “normal” life but also being torn by the thought of wanting that life at same time.
When your mind wanders on a long drive and you conjure up backstories for passing cars, it doesn’t take long to pen an ode to a mythological nowhere man who spends eternity politely fangin’ it down the freeway. With chord changes that can’t sit still and a bolero of triumphant guitarmonies, we hope that wherever Juan is right now, he’s got his radio dimed!
The song began as a jam track which never quite felt complete. With a bit of structural panel beating from the band and a move to more acoustic instrumentation, it became complete Chronica Majora lifts it’s title from the seminal work of early historian Mathew Paris, and deals with humanity’s internal conflicts, including duty, obligation, expectations and desires.
The vinyl comes in 2 colours, with 50 in strawberry donut pink, exclusive to Newcastle’s greatest ever record store, Rudderless Records. The remainder are chocolate donut brown.
All 3 acts are hitting the road in support of the release.
Launch Dates